Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Week 11:Computer Sound Mix

SO this may look like an ancient screen ship from a Windows Desktop PC, but actually its a website that visually and musically creates a mash-up of all the different kind of sounds that are in Windows. I just think it is so fascinating how someone could not only come up with this musically, but combine the visual aspect as well. I'm seeing a trend as I blog this semester with design not just encompassing visual aspects, but also combining musical aspects as well for a more immersive experience. I really enjoyed this website. You can find it here: http://www.cothrun.com/gallery/albums/Misc/windows_mix.swf

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Week 10: Strange Statues

So this site showcases some of the most bizarre, yet interesting statues that can be found all over the world. I browsed through the many different images of a variety of statues, and was laughing but also impressed. I was also kind of surprised that some of these statues made it to the public eye. Interpretation is such an individualistic sort of thing. Someone can look at the design of one of these statues and be completely offended, yet another person could look at the same statue and relate, making them enjoy the design on a completely different level. Find these strange statues at: http://haha.nu/funnymages/strange-statues-around-the-world/

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Week 10: Sidewalk chalk guy

This guy is extremely talented. He uses sidewalk chalk to create amazing works of art on sidewalk surfaces. The catch is, most of these images he created on sidewalks look incredibly real. I got the link to this site in an email, and I really couldn't believe my eyes at first. His artistry somewhat plays on optical illusion on your eye. I keep coming back to this site for more updates to see what he creates next. This guy has an incredible, unique conception of design which defines his overall success. Find his site at: http://gprime.net/images/sidewalkchalkguy/

Friday, October 30, 2009

Week #9: Piglet's Ears

This is probably one of the most hilarious things I have ever seen in my life. It shows how pigs react differently to sound. All of their ears twitch to different frequencies, even when they sleep. I guess this kind of made me think about how when you design or produce something, you have to really think about the varieties of audiences that will be exposed to your work. You might not know how exactly your work could effect or impact a certain type of individual or group of people. But anyway, this made me laugh, and I hope it makes you laugh too.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week #9: Rhyme Design

Alright, so I found this awesome website and I just HAD to share: this site let's you type on a word and finds all possible words that rhyme with it. Talk about a musician or poet's DREAM! I can't think of how many times I have needed something like this website to come up with words that sound similar to other words. Plus, they give you the definition of each word so if you don't know what it means, you're just a click away from know the actual definition. Another great example of design helping design!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week #9: Portfolio example

This is an excellent example of extraordinary design. There are numerous examples of design work on this website that showcase some amazing talent. Nik Ainley has some of the most incredible work I have ever seen. I'm pretty sure this website is his actual portfolio. There really isn't much else to say; the website pretty much speaks for itself. Find it here: http://www.shinybinary.com/

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Week #8: Post Secret

Alright, first of all, I am a huge fan of this project. It's called Post Secret, where people randomly and anonymously send in their deepest, darkest secrets on post cards for everyone else to see. The project has been ongoing for years, and many books and a full website have been released due to the project's overwhelming popularity. I think this project is totally amazing; for many, it has become a form of self expression. Many of the post cards are considered respectable designs and works of art. It's interesting, because the Professor would always stress how design can be anything, and who would think a post card could actually be so extremely powerful. I check this website on a regular basis, because there are always new submissions. It just never get's old...