Saturday, October 10, 2009

Week #6: Confusing Parking Sign

So I came across someone's website that was talking about different public sign and how some of them just don't make any sense. I decided to use this one as an example because it just kind of made me laugh. First, the top of the sign says "mon-sat, 8am-6:30pm", meaning......??? What exactly is that time restriction for? The section below makes a but more sense, "no loading", and is gives the time restrictions. Then the bottom section makes sense at first, I'm thinking it's informing about parking and the limitations. The last part that gets me is where is says "No return within 2 hours", which who knows what that means. If you park, you can't come back for at least 2 hours? Or, you can't park for more than 2 hours? Who knows.....but this is yet another example of bad design and a poor attempt at visualizing information.

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