Thursday, September 10, 2009

WEEK #2: Logos

I have to admit that I don't like the bottom design. I was doing some research on logos for another class, and I came across this logo for the Olympic Games. First of all, I don't really understand how this design has anything to do with sports, london, or the olympics in general. If it wasn't for the 5 rings, it would be impossible to actually tell what this logo is attempting to represent. Second, I don't like the color scheme--it's very plain and boring. I would probably use a white or black background, and then add some color to make the logo look much interesting. I would also represent the rings in their actual real colors. Third, the design of the logo needs to be altered in some way that relates to the Olympics or where it's being hosted.

Two great examples of good logo design I found are pictured just above the bad design. I like these logos because you get a sense of the culture of the host country. These two logos have excellent representation and help the viewer identify with the images and the information trying to be conveyed.

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