Friday, September 4, 2009

WEEK #1: Lab Assignment #1 Example 3

In example 3, I was really excited to get my hands on this, mainly because this is such a poorly designed website. The top image shows the "before", and clearly this page is lacking content, organization, and overall good design. It's hard to understand where the user is supposed to go in this page, the links are difficult to read, and at first, I couldn't even tell the purpose of the page. But after digging deeper, I realized it was a website for a college in another country, so I came up with a few ideas to make this page function better.

First, at the top of the page, I added 3 images that would constantly change. Most potential college students that are checking out college websites want to see images of students and campus facilities. To the left of that, I put the college logo and it's slogan, much larger and easier to read. The two rectangles on the left side of the page would display links to different categories throughout the website, showcasing the university's many features. And lastly, keeping with somewhat of an abstract design from the original website, I took the links surrounding the circle and scattered them in a slightly more visually organized fashion. I thought that each time the user would scroll over one of these links, it could change color, size, or display something visually interesting.

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